5 ways to enlarge your penis at home

how to raise members at home

The man's interest in the question of how to enlarge his penis at home has arisen with reason. The problem of small penis size is exaggerated, the root lies in mental problems. To get rid of such a man's difficulties, it is enough to just chat with a loving girl. After meeting "same" sex representatives, they usually forget how worried they are about unsatisfactory penis length.

How long a penis takes for a woman to be satisfied is a problem for each couple to decide individually. It is not possible to please everyone, and large penis owners often face situations where their self-esteem is detrimental. In addition, the common couple’s genitals tend to adapt over time to each other. Thus, the main antidote for the male complex is love and family. Fathers and breadwinners of large families will never be complicated in this regard.

From an anatomical point of view, a man does not even need an average penis length to stay full. For normal sexual intercourse and conception, just a few centimeters is enough. Modern research on women's erogenous zones also shows that the most "vulnerable" girl spots are at the front of the gynecological organs.

However, there is a small population of men who suffer from short and long penises. So, there are diseases like micropenis, when penis size actually limits a man’s sexual possibilities. In such a situation, how to enlarge the penis becomes very relevant.

However, not everyone is at risk of being stabbed, and only in very desperate situations. In addition, the operation is expensive and it is difficult to find a plastic surgeon to perform it. Therefore, today we will only discuss the methods of its effectiveness you can check yourself, at home.


The problem of dissatisfaction with penis length is nothing new among the male population on the planet. The ancestors came up with their own way of increasing size, among the most popular always being jelqing. Not a joke, it was developed independently at different times by the ancient Indians, Egyptians and Greeks. Now we have a historical argument that supports the fact that this technique was used in ancient times, in the Stone Age, by Africans.

Jelqing is a massage procedure, but quite specific. The word is translated from English in a simple way - "to milk". The method resembles the movement of the hand used to milk a dairy animal.

Need jelqing, first, correct, and second - periodically. Otherwise, no positive effect will be achieved. It is necessary to first study the relevant video, and then buy a smooth cream, which will make the movement on the slipped penis.

The main rule for penis enlargement is not jelqing if the penis is completely erect. When the penis is at its maximum level, jelqing becomes not only useless, but can also cause unpleasant sensations and pain. Once the erection has reached its maximum, the penis enlargement session must be stopped. The essence of this technique is that the cave bodies are slightly free to learn to see the blood flow stronger than usual. When they fill completely with a full erection, there is a risk of "overflow" of blood, which will create a feeling of urgency in him.

At a time when the penis is not erect at maximum, you should take the corpus cavernosum tightly with your finger and pull it. If you have ever seen cow's milk, you can easily repeat the necessary movements. Regularly milking will cause the penis to need more blood from the body and, therefore, more during erection.

In most cases, jelqing will start to enlarge your penis after a few months. Keep in mind about class order and proper technique.

Hanging a load

male penis enlargement methods

Another way to enlarge your penis, since ancient times, is to put weight on your self-esteem. The method is traumatic, and requires maximum attention. Another unpleasant moment - with the help of weight stretching, you can only lengthen the limbs. At the same time, at the very least, it will not be thicker, but will most likely be thinner. If you decide to try this method, understand your partner's needs - maybe penis diameter is more important to him than length.

Before a weight-loss session, it is recommended to warm up your penis, for example, in a steam bath or hot tub. In front of the head of the penis, we glued a medical plaster to prevent confusion. Then, on the plaster, we fix the rope ring, on the back of it is heavy. First, we take very small "sinkers". We will try to feel the weight and how long the session members completed at this stage.

For the first time, stretching is no more than a quarter of an hour. The following time, the stretch time can be increased.

If an unpleasant sensation appears during the session, the tension appears too strong or the genitals become numb, immediately stop stretching. Otherwise, it is necessary to increase the weight and time used gradually.

Vacuum opportunities and pumps

The market for modern sex products offers a wide variety of penis stretching tools. One of the most popular is the extension. The advantage is that it enlarges the penis on a regular basis, that is, it should not be used immediately before intercourse. However, the device should be used periodically. And the effect on the diameter of the penis is minimal - it is used to lengthen the length.

In addition to enlarging the penis, lengthening is also used to give the penis an anatomically normal shape. However, before using an extender for such a purpose, you should think about what the norm is in this case. Unique penis bends can, in turn, delight couples, touching the most sensitive points. While this is not the case, you can try the most comfortable position for a couple.

How to increase penis thickness and length before having sex? The answer is a vacuum pump. With its help, you can not only enlarge the penis quickly, but can also cause an erection if for some reason he does not want to come.

penis enlargement vacuum pump

The pump is placed on the penis. Once the user clears the air, the blood circulation in the penis increases and erections occur larger than usual.

Before using the pump, it is recommended to apply the cream on the penis to soften the air effect.

Vacuum pumps are undoubtedly effective and can be used to get bigger when you need them.

The effect lasts for a short time. But the results are guaranteed in almost every application and are quickly seen.


Penis attachment is controversial but fast and effective. He just wears a penis and creates the illusion for a couple that has grown. The material is selected in such a way that it resembles human skin. The problem here is that of course there is no real increase. However, if this problem occurs in your partner, or you want to give the girl a new sensation, the attachment may be a good answer.

The fixture lengthens the penis by about four centimeters. Very few people need large quantities, but the erotic toy market strives to meet the greatest demand.

External facilities

Topical ointments and creams on the penis do not always give the desired effect. The main thing here is to choose a medicine for yourself, to find a medicine that will be effective in your case. Need to focus on how the manufacturer presents its product - if the promises are outrageous and you are promised a six centimeter increase in two months, you should think about the honesty of the advertiser and the quality of the product.

The "drug" is divided into three types, depending on how long the effect lasts. The most honest is the annoying ointment which causes rapid blood circulation to the cavernous bodies and thus increases the volume temporarily. They must be used as soon as they have intercourse.

Another option that needs to be examined more closely with actual customer reviews is permanent external products. Such products indicate that the penis with its help will grow forever, or at least for a long time. Doctors often question the effectiveness of these drugs. You need to choose a drug after knowing the opinions of other users and consulting a physician for men's health.